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  1. T

    does the 500e winter pack include more than heated seats?

    How do you turn those on? I couldn't figure it out.
  2. T

    Which run-flat tires are compatible for my car

    Where in the manual? I didn't see anything. Try to see if it works. Maybe it is possible if you use the correct size.
  3. T

    Where to buy a front engine storage tray?

    Hi! I am looking for a front engine storage tray. Where can I buy one? Do you guys use one? Thanks for your help!
  4. T

    Summer travel in a 500e

    How could you read it? It is Italian.
  5. T

    Setting a schedule charging time

    Hi! Can you set a specific charge percentage when you schedule a charging time, or only a start and an end time?
  6. T

    How do I display kW/mile on the Fiat 500e?

    If you find the way, please let me know. I am looking for the same setting.
  7. T

    Flat and no spare tire. What to do?

    I guess your car has already been towed away. How did your tire flat?
  8. T

    Upgrading Radio - What will fit a 2015 500e?

    No problem! Just come up with an update after you find one. I am curious how it will work.
  9. T

    Can't add Uconnect profiles

    I could help you, but I don't have the Uconnect manual. But if you have it, you can get through it and there is a separate section about all profiles.
  10. T

    Upgrading Radio - What will fit a 2015 500e?

    Hey there! Welcome to the forum! Good news for you! A radio from the gas-powered 2015 Fiat 500 physically speaking fits the 500e as well because they have similar dash layouts. I am not sure if there are wiring differences or not. Though, I am sure that pin 41 needs a 12V signal for the amp...
  11. T

    La Prima and My EasyWallox

    Hi! Did your La Prima come with the My EasyWallox? Thank you!
  12. T

    Where can I find the connectivity ID?

    Hello everyone! Is there a way to find the connectivity ID? I need it to reset a pin and set the charging schedule remotely. Ty!
  13. T

    500e charging slow - normal or issue?

    In short, yeah, that's normal. But read this for more details.
  14. T

    MyEasyCharge app help

    Hi! I am new to the forum. I am glad to be here. Is anyone here using the MyEasyCharge app and could help me with setting it up? I don't even know too many details about it. Thank you.

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