500e regen brake issue

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Have you guys heard about the problem with the regenbrakes pulsing? I think it's because of the sensors. Has anyone else had this problem? I only noticed it a few times, and then it stopped. No warning lights appeared on my dash though.
Good it stopped. I haven't heard anything about this problem yet. But sometimes, uneven wear on the brake pads or rotors can cause pulsations during regenerative braking.
As for no feedback from the warning lights... Can you remember if it happened after a software update? It might have been a software glitch.
I have experienced something like this a few months ago. Fortunately, it didn't last long for me. It might not be the sensors. It could be the regen system engaging/disengaging a bit unevenly depending on speed or road conditions. Did it happen more than once?
I had a similar problem about 2 weeks ago, but mine didn’t magically fix itself. I ended up sorting it out for good with a quick 30-second unplug of the 12V power supply.
Have you guys heard about the problem with the regenbrakes pulsing? I think it's because of the sensors. Has anyone else had this problem? I only noticed it a few times, and then it stopped. No warning lights appeared on my dash though.
I agree it might be tied to sensor calibration or the software acting up. If it pops up again, keeping an eye on it or swinging by a dealer for some diagnostics could totally be the ultimate fix!
I think I'm dealing with a classic water ingress issue here. This ABS light first popped up the day after I gave the car a good wash, and now it's back after some rain this morning. So, either the sensor itself or the wiring is cracked, the reluctor ring is getting swamped with water and gunk, or there's a dodgy connection somewhere in the speed sensor circuit.

Of course, assuming it is a wheel speed sensor problem. I'm gonna crawl under there today and give all four of them a thorough inspection. I'll let you know when I find something.

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