Home chargers

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Sun Valley
I'm still trying to figure out if I need one of those home chargers. I just asked the leasing company about the cables that come with the car, and they only give you that one cable you use at home or at those public charging spots.

I was surprised they don't include that little portable charger! I have no idea how much those things cost. I was hoping they'd throw one in, like some other car companies do. Do you guysthink it's worth it?
I'm still trying to figure out if I need one of those home chargers
If you are near a fast charging station, then you can delay installing one.
Regarding the 'little portable charger', it is not that expensive. But I wonder why your car doesn't come with that. I think you should be more persistent with that to your dealer.
It might be worth it for convenience, especially if you charge at home often. Portable chargers usually cost around $200-$400, depending on the brand and features.

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